For a peaking station, a typical hydrograph shows twice daily fluctuations from off to full potential discharges often with weekend shutdowns. A peaking station may show consistent daily to weekly styles of discharge across case study solution year in place of case study solution strong seasonal pattern that may be shown for base load suppliers, and depending on case study answer scale of case study solution scheme inter annual variability may be low. Downstream consequences on water first-rate depend upon case study answer storage configuration and offtake depth. If case study answer garage is deep and stratifies and case study solution offtake is low, case study answer downstream environment may adventure common temperature and dissolved oxygen fluctuations extremely during case study answer summer period, with case study solution power station injecting cold water from deep in case study answer reservoir into case study solution warmer waters of case study answer receiving environment. In instances where there are downstream pollutants assets draining into case study answer river system, peaking power station discharges can cause pulses of polluted water downstream in preference to a average dilution effect when operating to fulfill baseload demand. Downstream consequences on case study answer fluvial geomorphology and dominant geomorphic procedures differ if an influence station is operating to fulfill base versus peak demand.