3rd version. New York: Addison Wesley Educational Publishers Inc. Ostermann, E. 2009 Gottes Grimmiger Wille. G/Geschichte 07/2009, p. 77. Instead of viewing coffee as a useful product, Starbucks got down to make coffee an emotional adventure, what clients often consult with as a caffeine caused oasis. case study answer big three sold a commoditycoffee by case study solution can; Starbucks sold a retailing conceptthe coffee bar. The coffee bars offered a chic accumulating place, status, leisure, dialog, and inventive coffee drinks. Starbucks turned coffee into an emotional adventure and standard people into coffee connoisseurs for whom case study answer steep $3 per cup price seemed good value. With almost no advertisements, Starbucks became a countrywide brand with margins approximately five times case study answer industry average. What Starbucks did for coffee, Swatch did for budget watches. Article 14: A companymay set up branches. To establish a branch, program shall be made to thecompany registration authority for registration and a company license shall beobtained. A branch does not have case study answer status of a legal person and its civilliability will be borne by case study answer agency. Acompany may set up subsidiaries. A subsidiary has case study answer status of a legalperson and independently bears civil legal responsibility based on case study solution law. Article 15: A companymay invest in other businesses, as long as it may not become an investorthat bears joint and a few legal responsibility for case study answer debts of case study solution enterprise in whichit invests, unless in another way offered by law.