Almost seven years after Millers testimony, a woman, whom for legal purposes we shall call Sandra Gillespie, pulled onto a Minneapolis dual carriageway in her new Ford Pinto. Riding along with her was a young boy, whom well call Robbie Carlton. As she entered a merge lane, Sandra Gillespies car stalled. Another car rear ended hers at an impact speed of 28 miles per hour. The Pintos gas tank ruptured. Vapors from it mixed easily with case study solution air in case study answer passenger compartment. Multimedia can even be useful when focused on low literacy populations, since video and audio messages guide individuals via a web survey. However, adding multimedia can increase download times and can be troublesome to contributors who must down load media avid gamers or other kinds of programs with the intention to take part in case study solution survey Andrews et al. , 2003. Taking case study answer use of multimedia a bit further, case study answer technology exists to easily construct a page that uses video and/or audio clips as stimuli for online experimental and quasi experimental designs. It is also feasible to develop desktop scripts that randomly send individuals to one of a couple of other online pages. Each page could contain a special audio and video stimulus, enabling case study answer random task of participants to various levels of an impartial variable.