Some exceptions were made for indigenous peoples who practice subsistence agriculture and people whove bought clearance by environmental gurus to use managed burning to stay away from larger fires. These are intentional fires to clear case study answer forest, Cathelijne Stoof, coordinator of case study solution Fire Center at Wageningen University WUR in case study resolution Netherlands, tells case study solution Verge. People want to eliminate case study answer forest to make agricultural land, for people to eat meat. case study solution INPE found that deforestation in Brazils Amazon hit an 11 year high in 2019. There is no doubt that this rise in fire recreation is associated with a pointy rise in deforestation, Paulo Artaxo, an atmospheric physicist at case study resolution University of So Paulo, told Science Magazine. He explained that case study solution fires are expanding along case study answer borders of new agricultural advancement, which is whats often seen in fires associated with forest clearing.