Article 30A person that is under any of case study answer following instances shall not act as a managerial personnel of a corporation. If he has been appointed as such, he shall definitely be discharged:1. Having dedicated an offence as specified in case study answer Statute for Prevention of Organizational Crimes and consequently adjudicated guilty by a final judgment, and case study answer time elapsed after he has served case study solution full term of case study answer sentence is less than five years;2. Having committed case study solution offence in terms of fraud, breach of trust or misappropriation and as a result punished with imprisonment for a term of greater than twelve months, and case study answer time elapsed after he has served case study solution full term of such sentence is under two years;3. Having been adjudicated guilty by a final judgment for misappropriating public funds during case study answer time of his public provider, and case study answer time elapsed after he has served case study solution full term of such sentence is less than two years;4. Having been adjudicated bankrupt, and having not been reinstated to his rights and privileges;5.